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Upcoming presentations by the Yun lab

  • 5th Growth Factor in Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine Conference, 14-17th Feb '25, Dominican Republic

  • LBG Show Vienna, 11th Mar '25, Austria

  • SY Stem Cell Symposium, Vienna, 12-14th Mar '25, Austria

  • IBI Symposium Leiden, 10th April '25, Netherlands

  • IDRM seminar series Oxford University, 6th June '25, UK

  • International Soc for Regenerative Biology, Madison, 11-14th August '25, USA



Vishnu Balaji awarded a TUD Postdoctoral Starter Kit

January 2025. Congratulations to Vishnu on receiving independent funding to foster his career.

What secrets can the giant P.waltl newt genome unveil?

January 2025. Finally out: the sequencing, assembly and analysis of the P.waltl genome is here. A great joint effort between the Yun, Simon and Leigh labs.

How do axolotls age? Epigenetic insights in collaboration with the Horvath lab

September 2024. Our first story on axolotl ageing, exploring its epigenetic features, is out as pre-print here. Also featuring in New Scientist!

The COST Action 'SENESCENCE2030' begins

October 2024. The Yun lab is member of this exciting COST Action network to advance our understanding of cellular senescence.

Vishnu Balaji is awarded a 'Peter und Traudl' Postdoctoral Fellowship

October 2024. Congratulations to Vishnu on receiving this prestigious award to explore molecular features of axolotl ageing.

Max Yun joins the Editorial Board of Aging Cell

September 2024. Dr. Yun joins international leaders in the field of Biology of Aging to expand the journal scope and help moving it forwards.

We contribute to establish a set of guidelines for cell senescence experimentation in vivo

August 2024. As a joint effort within the senescence field, we establish a set of guidelines to identify and study in vivo senescence cells in a landmark paper published in the journal Cell.

Yuliia Haluza and Lizbeth Bolaños Castro receive awards at the DIGSBB PhD retreat

June 2024. Yuliia receives 'best poster' and Liz 'best Flash Talk' awards - well done!

Lizbeth Bolaños Castro gets her PhD

April 2024. Liz successfully defended her thesis on the role of adaptive immunity in regeneration, awarded summa cum laude - congrats!

Yuliia Haluza receives the DIGSBB Fellow Award

April 2024 - The DIGS-BB Fellow Award honours outstanding achievements of DIGS-BB PhD students after the 1st year of thesis - Well done Yullia!


Our collaboration with the Calegari lab is out 

March 2024 - Learn how the nuclear envelop protein SLAP affects cortical lamination and exploratory behaviour in mice here.

Yuliia Haluza selected as one of the "Faces of SPIN" by the Science State of Saxony

Dec 2023 - Learn here about the SPIN23 personalities and their passion for Saxony and science

Have you ever wondered what the regulatory elements of Brachyury look like?

Oct 2023 - In a team effort lead by Alexa Burger and Zbynek Kozmik, we identify three Brachyury-driving notochord enhancers conserved from fishes to mammals - including axolotls, of course!

Linda Kasielke joins us for her FSJ

Sept 2023 - We welcome Linda to our lab for her FSJ year

Our latest collaboration with the Sterneckert lab is out

Sept 2023 - The Sterneckert lab identifies Obatoclax is a candidate for repurposing as a possible ALS therapeutic and other age-associated disorders linked to defects in protein homeostasis. We helped uncovering its senolytic function and range!

Visiting Professors: this month we host Moshe Khurgel, Jifeng Fei and Katia Del Rio-Tsonis

Sept 2023 - After the ISRB, we enjoyed visits from Moshe, Jifeng and Katia to exchnage salamander know-how, discuss science and explore collaborations

ISRB Presentations and best talk award

Sept 2023 - Anna and Svetlana presented their fantastic work at the inaugural  meetign of the ISRB, with Anna awarded best postdoc talk by the jury - congrats!

DAAD support for Lizbeth Bolaños Castro

July 2023 - Liz obtained a competitive extension of her PhD scholarship - well done!

Anna Czarkwiani awarded a TUD Maria Reiche Postdoctoral Fellowship

July 2023 - Congrats to Anna on obtaining the MRPF, which supports female postdocs in their way to independence!

Senescent cells promote dedifferentiation

April 2023 - Our work describing how senescent cells contribute to muscle regeneration by promoting dedifferentiation of muscle fibres, led by talented Hanna Walters, is out in Aging Cell. More news here.

Svetlana Iarovenko awarded an eV Scholarship

March 2023 - Congrats to Svet on obtaining independent support for her MSc studies

Georgii Vdovin awarded a FOSTER grant

March 2023 - Well done to Georgii on securing an independent FOSTER grant to support his research

A warm welcome to Vishnu Balaji

February 2023 - Dr Vishnu Balaji joins us on our quest to solve the puzzle of what underlies negligible senescence in salamanders

The Iberian Ribbed Newt Genome

October 2022 - Together with the Simon and Leigh labs and thanks to the unparalleled skills of genome guru Tom Brown and a fantastic team of researchers, we completed the HiFi sequencing and chromosome level assembly of the P. waltl newt. Congrats!

And the DAAD Prize 2022 goes to ... Yuliia Haluza

October 2022 - A prize for outstanding achievements by international students at German universities, every year TUD honours one student with it - congrats to Yuliia!

Congrats to Anna Czarkwiani on the German Unesco-L'Oreal funding programme award

October 2022 - The German Commission for UNESCO and L'Oréal Germany, in partnership with the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation, award prizes every year for excellent young female scientists with children

Yuliia Haluza awarded the 'Best poster presentation' prize at EMBO Regeneration 2022

September 2022 - On how salamanders maintain their telomeres in regeneration and ageing - well done, well deserved!

Find out how salamanders are contributing to research

April 2022 - Our review of the 3rd Salamander models in cross-disciplinary biological research meeting, co-organised by us, is out here.

Congratulations to Yuliia Haluza and Diana Zhilina on receiving FOSTER awards

March 2022 - Our students Yuliia and Diana are awarded independent research funds to pursue their MSc projects, well done!

Our work on the determination of positional identity in regeneration is out

March 2022 - How much to regenerate? Tig1 is key, find out more here and from institutional news. A great effort from Catarina, former/present lab members, and a fantastic team of collaborators.

Hannah Walters awarded postdoctoral research funds

December 2021 - Congrats to Hannah on receiving a TUD postdoctoral starter grant. Stay tune for exciting research as a result!

Welcome to this year's MSc students: Yuliia Haluza, Kanish Siddarth, Tolga Danismaz

October 2021 - Welcome to the Yun lab: learn, explore and make the most out of this experience.

The Yun lab becomes affiliated to PoL

September 2021 - The YUN lab is now affiliated to the new Physics of Life Cluster of Excellence, which will allow us to tackle the laws of physics that underlie regenerative processes in cooperation with world leading researchers.

Salamander models for understanding ageing and rejuvenation

June 2021 - Our perspective on how salamander models can aid our understanding of ageing and rejuvenation is published here, happy reading!

Congrats to Lizbeth on winning the DIGSBB Fellow award

May 2021-The DIGS-BB Fellow Award honours outstanding achievements of DIGS-BB PhD students after the 1st year of thesis - Well deserved, Liz!

Standardising salamander nomenclature

April 2021 - The axolotl community finally gets a clear set of nomenclature guidelines thanks to the nice work of the Nowoshilow, Fei, Tanaka, Voss and Murawala labs. We support their adoption among the P. waltl community and beyond, in our latest paper!

Preethi Kesavan awarded a CRTD eV Scholarship

March 2021 - Congrats to Preethi for obtaining support for her upcoming MSc Thesis at the Yun lab

Max Yun appointed TUD Young Investigator

March 2021 - This recognition offers support for the development of Dr Yun's academic career and will strengthen her integration into the Biology Faculty of TU Dresden.

Copyright © 2021 Yun lab.

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